
The Masks of Icesia

Masks embroidered and sewn to our measurements. But the
closer you get to death, the more you learn about yourself. And you’re
not afraid to speak. Maybe that’s a sweet risk that criminals like.
Six criminals of everyday life are exposed on the tracks of the
Metro. A voice challenges them - one by one - takes off the mask that
has stitched their...

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The Masks of Icesia : second cover

Masks embroidered and sewn to our measurements. But the
closer you get to death, the more you learn about yourself. And you’re
not afraid to speak. Maybe that’s a sweet risk that criminals like.
Six criminals of everyday life are exposed on the tracks of the
Metro. A voice challenges them - one by one - takes off the mask that
has stitched their...

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The Countess of Secrets: Can you keep a secret?

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The gallery:

«Welcome to my website! I’m Giota Stavridi, also known as Naya Stavridi, originating from the beautiful island of Lesvos in Greece, but currently residing and working in Athens. My professional background lies in the field of Informatics, specializing in Healthcare.

My passion for writing intertwines with my interests in psychology and video...

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